My Lazy Winter Break! :D

During my amazing winter break,I would go outside,but then realize it was too cold,so I stayed in most of the time.While being bored in my house most of the day I would watch That 70’s Show,it’s a comedy show pretty much,and I made it to season 4 over these last few days.

While me and my sisters sat at home nothing to do,we cleaned,and then when my mom came home she would complain :D.And then thinking about all of this I meet some new friends,and got to talk to some old ones :).

I hope you and everyone else had a fantastic winter break :D.

A Little About Me

Hi everyone I am going to tell you a little about me.

1. I am in the 8th grade

2. I go to Bremen Middle school.

3. I am a Christian

4. I like Football.

5. And I am also a gamer/Youtuber.

6. Also my favorite subject in school is math.

Thank you for visiting my blog,and I hope you and everyone else will enjoy it. 🙂